WA Art Solution Services
One-stop for Everything with Art.
為美學有限公司( WA )致力於透過多元且國際的藝術應用,為世界帶來更多正面美好的事物。
由藝術家張為雲 ( Weiyun Chang ) 成立的新型態「藝術服務公司」,近年來已協助過國內外許多品牌與藝術整合,且為私人空間、品牌、國內外展覽等進行策劃與合作。此外,我們也與瑞士藝術單位 a-space network 結盟為亞洲夥伴、跨國連結,持續發掘新生代藝術家,期望能成為藝術與商業間的最佳媒合平台。並同時經營藝術自媒體「artqua藝括」,推廣更多世界各地的藝術人故事給大眾。
整合藝術與商業觀點,以「藝術美學」作為商業/內容的解決方案(Art Solutions ),包含:藝術與品牌整合、展覽策劃與執行、視覺整合、藝術跨界合作、藝術創作服務等,從內容出發,根據不同商業需求與情境提供最合適的藝術解決方案。擅長以藝術思維打造結合故事的情境式的展場體驗,主要服務客戶以歐亞區域為主。
“ We work collaboratively with our clients to create aesthetic art solutions with a powerful visual impact that aims to delight and engage the public. “
Weiyun Chang Art ( WA co. Ltd. ) is an “ Art solutions “ company based in Taiwan that implanted aesthetic art styles into commercial environments by applying art-thinking methods, integrating and curating exhibitions, designing visual merchandise, visual integration, and so on. Established by Taiwanese artist Weiyun Chang, who has been a visual artist and a curator for more than 8+ years. We have supported many commercial clients to integrate, plan, and collaborate with art in Europe and Asia.
We also form an alliance with the Swiss art network with a-space, playing as their Asian partner, building the bridge between art and business.
Our clients include:
Art foundations, construction companies, hotels, fashion, IP agencies, galleries, private collectors, and so on.
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